在实际的网络环境中,交换机的各种问题层出不穷,这里我遇到一个案例。关于Cisco 2960 S 交换机重启的问题。 故障描述:有那么几台C2960S交换机总是随机的重启。 原因:从show ver来看,可以看到是由于power-on。 实际问题:而实际导致交换机重启的原因并不是power-on,甚至这里没有一个crashinfo的生成。 关于这个问题,在思科官网能找到类似的问题,但是是一个bug: 2960S silent reload with "System returned to ROM by power-on"
A 2960S may reload without generating a crash file and reload reason is
reported as "System returned to ROM by power-on". Conditions: This issue is observed in Catalyst 2960S platform running 12.2(53)SE2. Workaround: None. This bug is under investigation. Further Problem Description: CSCtg09555 should report more detailed reload information.

问题延伸,该问题可能不只是C2960S的问题,其他的型号也有类似的问题,例如如下的Bug: 2960x randomly reloads due to power-on
Catalyst 2960x may reboot randomly and come up. This can happen when switch is a stack member or standalone. When part of stack as a member, entire stack does not go down when a member reloads, but everything connected to the 2960x that reloaded experiences an outage.
There is no crashinfo written. Reload reason is "power-on". Conditions:
Only PoE models are affected. Workaround:
None. Further Problem Description:

2960x FPS48 randomly reloads due to power-on
Catalyst 2960x may reboot randomly and come up. This can happen when switch is a stack member or standalone. When part of stack as a member, entire stack does not go down when a member reloads, but everything connected to the 2960x that reloaded experiences an outage.
There is no crashinfo written. Reload reason is "power-on". Conditions:
The switch that reloaded is a PoE capable 2960X Workaround:
None. Further Problem Description:
This could be a hardware issue, please contact Cisco TAC for further analysis.